Within Each of US

Standing among violent shouting,

Angry vibrations pounding near.

Shuddering as the volume increases.

A roar of hate that can consume.


Inward I listen.

As the noise recedes,

I follow my breath

to a humming heart.


Steady in its love.

It walks where I walk.

It sleeps where I sleep.


Noise of the world cannot drown its pulse,

this calming cadence.

Internal rhythm.


Strength drawn from all that lives

lies inside me

and all beings.


Waiting to be heard.


© Ali Grimshaw



4 thoughts on “Within Each of US

  1. “Noise of the world cannot drown its pulse,

    this calming cadence.

    Internal rhythm.”

    On the day you put this poem out, it was my birthday and it certainly gave me pause as, on that day, it was all about realizing what a blessing it is to have my heart still “humming.”


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