



To open, fold back each layer

expose your inner colors

is nothing small.

I see courage in your willingness

to fully bloom. Expose the tender.

A relentless showing under a threatening sky.

After the loss of petals, burnt leaves.

You still choose the sun over fear

knowing the rains never stop

and summer doesn’t last.


© Alicia Grimshaw 2018

25 thoughts on “Resilience

  1. Beautiful writing once again. Sun over fear, always light will guide your way. Sure we may all fall but we all have a choice to get back up and shine again, do it all over again. We can all learn from a flower – full bloom, full loss, and full bloom once again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mabel, I love your response, “We can all learn from a flower – full bloom, full loss, and full bloom once again.” A beautify summation and nature is a perfect example for us to follow.
      Have a glorious day and be kind to yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “After the loss of petals, burnt leaves.
    You still choose the sun over fear
    knowing the rains never stop
    and summer doesn’t last.”

    Beautiful lines… And the depth it interprets is speechless! Hats off to your writing! The more I read the I fall in love with your writings. Thank You for inspiring me all the time! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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