flashlight batteries 2019


As we connect across the globe, I am wondering what we are seeking to lift us as we evolve? There have been countless voices that have kept me going through tough days. Poems from past and present. I am grateful for each brave voice around the world that doesn’t give up. Each of us has a voice that matters. Now I am wondering how to use mine. I started this blog as an act of giving, of reaching out to others who may feel alone.

Thinking about the power of poetry made me curious as to which poems showed up with the most views this year on flashlight batteries. Here are the top three. All of these poems speak of love, hope and a need to  believe in ourselves. I am wondering if this says anything about what people are looking for or needing to hear to move forward. What words of encouragement are you looking for in 2020?

Theory of the Undaunted

hold spontaneity in one hand
hold courage in the other

after hesitation kisses you goodbye
jump into your future

let possibility
fully fill your lungs

float untethered, without
holding your breath

until the shore
disrobes the fog

then swim with the passion
of another year
you never thought
you would have.

© Ali Grimshaw 2019



I promise to keep shining my light even when I am in doubt.

Will you keep shining yours?

Happy New Year and thanks for your many inspiring responses in 2019.



22 thoughts on “flashlight batteries 2019

  1. Ali, thinking about how you use your voice is a wonderful idea. I have been thinking about the same thing. I used to do challenges, quotes, and other blogging-type things. Now I am writing more of what I want to write. I still feel like I want to write some running posts, but my focus is on speaking about love, faith, hope, courage. These are the topics I think about and I feel as though my words may make a difference to someone.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Laurie,
      I am happy that my question led you to think more about your own blogging journey. Each time you share you have the opportunity to inspire and connect with someone. I am glad to hear that you feel empowered to write about what matters to you.
      All the best for a new year of courage, faith, hope and love in 2020!


    1. Ann, it is comments like this that keep me writing and sharing. I love to bring forth new possibilities for others. Thanks for reflecting back to me the messages you receive from my writing.
      Be well.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Brad, I appreciate hearing your thoughts. I can relate to your intention for creating love, hope and self-confidence for the new year. Can a poem change your thinking? Can it allow for new confidence to blossom in a reader?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Good point. Without action nothing changes. In addition, I do believe that word can inspire action in others. I think that’s one thing I’m always aiming for.Thanks for participating in this conversation.

        Liked by 1 person

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