Belated Gratitude

Dear Bill,

Dear George,

Dear Barack,

I am one citizen of the United States of America, just one.

One person who believes that each of us matters.

One who has learned so much this year about what I have taken for granted. I thought a peaceful transition of power in our country was guaranteed. I guess it shows I wasn’t paying close enough attention. I guess I didn’t realize how much I wasn’t listening.

Thank you for holding peace for all of us while I was unaware.

Thank you for the respect you gave the next to come.

Thank you for choosing to honor our country with your letters.

I regret that I didn’t notice or understand how much there was to appreciate about you in the past. I also believe it is never too late to be grateful for someone else’s life and seek to understand what a difference it made for others.

In gratitude,

One member of the United States of America

© Ali Grimshaw 2020

These Letters From Presidents To Their Successors Show What A Peaceful Transfer Of Power Looks Like

18 thoughts on “Belated Gratitude

    1. Val,
      It means so much to hear this from you. Please share with anyone who you feel will be supported by reading my words.
      Wishing you all things wonderful to strengthen you in the days ahead.
      Sending you light,

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I am one citizen of the United States of America, just one.

    One person who believes that each of us matters.

    One who has learned so much this year about what I have taken for granted.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Nice letter, Ali. I feel as you do. The weeks seem to be getting more intense.

    I am reminded that we tend to take for granted what we have, until it is threatened or taken away. I feel we have all been too complacent for too long, and some of what we have come to rely upon was seemingly removed while we slept. I hope we are collectively waking up…and I am including other countries in the world as well. None are perfect and many are worse off than others. I know many countries are watching ours…as they have for a very long time. I recall hearing from government executives from other countries, that ours is perceived as arrogant. Then upon meeting many of us here, they felt differently. I’m grateful for that.

    Our perceived arrogance is working against us in ever increasing ways today. May we awaken to all that is unjust and unequal and keep moving in a more vigorous way, step by step, toward “a more perfect union”, as was envisioned by our imperfect (as we are) founders.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Carrie,
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I always appreciate hearing other’s perspectives whether they are in alignment with mine or not. I think it is the best way for me to grow in my understanding and love.
      I hope we can all find a way forward together in peace.
      Love to you my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. As an outsider from Australia, your letter belated gratitude is understandable… I think (my observation) that too many American citizen’s have taken their country for granted, without bothering to be involved with what’s really happening within their own backyard…. here’s a section from Robert Goldstein’s article >>

    “Trump and his Flying Monkeys are branding average Americans as radical
    left-wing extremists. Therefore, I must state what I stand for:

    I stand for the principle that all people are equal before the law.

    I stand for our right as Americans to have a President who treats us with dignity and respect.

    I stand for our centuries-long commitment to building a more perfect Union.

    I stand for our military and its right to a Commander in Chief who is worthy of respect.

    I stand for healthy children who have plenty to eat and safe schools.

    I stand for investing in our future with a fully funded system of public education.

    I stand for science over superstition, fact over opinion, and reason over violence.

    I stand for a government based on compassion, one that works for all of us.

    I stand for American Democracy, our NATO Allies, the Paris Accords and
    the Rule of Law.

    Therefore I stand with Joe Biden, not because I am a Democrat or a Progressive; I stand with Joe Biden because, as a citizen of a great democracy, I want a President who knows I am somebody, that my life matters, my voice counts.”

    Liked by 2 people

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