The Listener


Can you be

with your own silence?

Walking with yourself

wherever you go


or clothed in words

that warm

or weigh you down.

Will you mirror

a friendly listener

hear your own voice


© Ali Grimshaw 2019

Shadows in Kauai, Hawaii 2018

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Today’s challenge is to write a poem that ends with a question. This poem was inspired by a fellow blogger, Pragalbha’s post. Thank you for the inspiration. I wrote this after reading her words today, “Being With Myself”

15 thoughts on “The Listener

  1. So honored to be mentioned, thank you!

    I loved the soft gentleness of your poem. The qualities of whether we walk with ourselves truly silent or with words and what they bring – such beautiful description in so less words.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So beautiful, Ali. I did a Doctoral Program in Spiritual Science, and we choose intentions for each level of consciousness. My intention for the spiritual was stillness for some time.
    You have a lovely, harmonious, and almost lilting style of writing. I really love it.
    Blessings to you!
    Love and Light,

    Liked by 1 person

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