Lacework – Poem by Ali Grimshaw

Your error is forgetting
that you also began
as a seed.

The starfish that loses an arm
still thrives brightly seaward.

The coyote howls, then listens through
darkness to return to his pack.

The angel oak's reach is far and long
regardless of scarred branches.

Can you see the lacework 
between the living?

Each reaching out
tied in small knots
is also a receiving.

© Ali Grimshaw 2021

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43 thoughts on “Lacework – Poem by Ali Grimshaw

  1. This is so beautiful and exquisitely put, Ali, like lacework itself!
    ‘Your error is forgetting
    that you also began
    as a seed.’
    I keep thinking about this: we so easily forget that we are part of nature.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, a starfish can lose a iimb and still go on to thrive.
      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate it. All of my poems are always in progress. I will definitely keep the opening.
      Wishing you a beautiful day.


  2. “The angel oak’s reach is far and long regardless of scarred branches. Can you see the lacework
    between the living?” Yes, yes! So utterly beautiful in its wisdom and depth, Ali 💝💝

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sanaa,
      Thank you for reflecting back the lines that most spoke to you. I wish that more people could feel the lacework between all living beings. My heart hurts today.


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