Taking Flight – Poem by Ali Grimshaw

Transitions are in the air... some are leaving the nest for flight. 

As you join the others
a new word grows inside me,

a tight bundled joypain sits within
my chest cracking open to release 

the scent of baby powered damp hair

for the many practiced days have passed
the next migration is a solo flight.

Your sturdy shoulders of readiness 
experimental charm accompanied with grin

will be a gift many will appreciate.

Your graduation to come 
is a forced exhale and I breathe in 

the flight to come.

Shake off the illusion, you were never 
really mine from the start. 

You have always belonged to to the world.

I was always ever the warm nest
from which you would someday fly.

©Ali Grimshaw 2022

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Dedicated to all parents of graduates.  Yes, part of your heart is stepping out into the world to touch the lives of others. Let it go. Part of it will stay with you forever. What a privilege to experience this amazing journey of expanding love. Congratulations.

26 thoughts on “Taking Flight – Poem by Ali Grimshaw

  1. This is such a beautiful, a heartwarming ode to parents that go through this period of transition. I love; “I was always ever the warm nest from which you would someday fly.”❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You captured this so well and the poem resonates with me as my youngest is finally graduating from university next week. Love this ending lines:

    I was always ever the warm nest
    from which you would someday fly.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful! I felt that “joypain” of yours when reading. I have a sixteen-year-old and I know the day for him to fly is coming, but I’m having a hell of a time getting him to just drive now😆

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful sentiments and a wonderful way of understanding a momentous occasion like graduation. I attend my niece’s tomorrow and I think of her future and celebrate all the memories of the past.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “…a tight bundled joypain sits within my chest…”

    Ali, this poem is beautiful. And the words above are just what I needed this day to describe a deep sadness that is growing…not related to the joy of graduation from an educational institution; rather the “joypain” of beginning the process of letting a beloved pet go…

    The best words, woven together bring all emotions into a state of beauty in the process of growing, leaving, transcending…ultimately ascending. 💜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. When we love with our whole heart there is a joypain in letting go. I’m sorry to hear you’re saying goodbye to a pet you love. That is just never easy. Thanks for sharing your reflection back to me. I greatly appreciate that, my friend.❤️☮️

      Liked by 2 people

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