Fall Will Catch You – a poem by Ali Grimshaw


Painted leaves sing in unison
Unlike music, their song
is soundless harmony.

This orchestra of color
soothes the tempo
an internal pounding

from a day of instruments
that refused to play
the same song.

Fall catches me
with muted volume
a serenade of equilibrium.

© Alicia Grimshaw 2018

Ripe – a poem by Ali Grimshaw



organic prizes tended affectionately

primed by summer’s passionate heat and BB King’s blues

quenching warmth, a gathering of sunlight kisses

red ripe to tango with your tongue and mine

slip into my backyard to delight in this tender flesh

this ready to please moment soon closed for the season.

© Alicia Grimshaw 2018

dVerse Poetry Pub


Morning Newsbreak


The 5:00 am thud,

my front porch newspaper.

When will this sound disappear

from my listening landscape?

Like the comfort

of sounds, predictable life

before the robots were made.

When hands held headlines

faithful objects, a lifeline

of interpretation on paper thinness

read in gentle openness

played at morning speed of drowsy slow

accompanied by the aroma of coffee.

The illusion of a day with

news within my control.

© Ali Grimshaw 2018

“It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men [and women] die miserably every day for lack of what is found there.”—William Carlos Williams

13 Ways to Support Poetry – guest blog post by Dick Allen  – A great article with specific ways to keep poetry alive in the world.

dVerse OpenLinkNight #218 If you are looking for a community of poets you can find one here.

National Poetry Month – Fall in love with a poet.


Dwelling Place


Inside the conversation of contribution

my favorite place to dwell

walls like soft bubble gum that can expand

with the breath of new ideas

to watch you poke, prod, punch

a fist through the wall

on your face the surprised realization

of the awe-filled fluidity, stretched elastic

boundaries you once believed to be walls of stone.

How a soft blow, like cooling off your tea too hot

can open up a whole new room. High rounded ceilings

with space to grow into.

© Alicia Grimshaw 2018

My favorite place to be is inside a coaching conversation listening for another’s dreams. This was a tough idea to capture in a photo. Photo Challenge: Favorite Place 





Running Partner



Rain on our lips

down the path we run.

Through puddles

not around.


Mud and moss

wind whipped hair

years of words

between breaths of air.


Over roots, between trees

creek waters roll by, unraveling

questions quenched by the miles.


Thoughts uttered within the flow

of movement, vulnerability

not possible in stillness.


Ali Grimshaw – revision of a poem first shared in 2016




Thinking in reverse

months tip, like dominos

to revisit that summer day.

Longing for this cleansing pool,

offering of chilled calmness

encircled by stone, here I joined

the river of slow movement,

pulling at my rapid pulse.

Plucking the notes ever slower.

Heartbeat dissolving

until I was

just being


© Ali Grimshaw