Courage rides the train



They stepped onto the train that day

unaware of the choice the ride included.

When the voice of hate screamed

the two stood as stone, unwilling to look away.

Unified strangers woven into a safety net

flung over the young ones

a protective cover given without request

those two hearts knew what freedom

to live without fear was worth.

The cost of standing up,as the train moved into tomorrow

was life itself.

In this morning’s memory mirror

I wonder if I would be brave enough

to ride as they did.


© Alicia Grimshaw 2017

Dedicated to the men who died a year ago in Portland, Oregon as they stood to defend two young women. My heart breaks for the loved ones of Ricky Best, father of four and US Army veteran, and Taliesan Namkai-Meche a recent college graduate. In honor of these two and the countless others who have stood up against hate please join me in acts of kindness wherever you live. Love is the only answer.

For more information read this Washington Post article, ‘Final act of bravery’: Men who were fatally stabbed trying to stop anti-Muslim rants identified


19 thoughts on “Courage rides the train

    1. Karyn, thank you for your response. This was so difficult to put into words. I think the best I can do is to remember these men and continue to be inspired by them.


    1. Thank you Ann. I just keep on thinking of these three men and the actions they chose to take instead of just walking away. They bravely stood up to hate. Thanks for bringing love to the world.

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